




重庆医科大学附属第一医院,神经内科副主任。副主任医师,研究员,博士研究生导师。教育部长江学者青年学者,重庆市杰出青年基金获得者,重庆市十佳科技青年,重庆市学术技术带头人后备人选,重庆市青年专家工作室首席专家。现任重庆市医学会神经内科学分会副主任委员、中华医学会神经病学分会青年学组委员、中华医学会神经病学分会神经调控协作组委员。任SCI期刊Translational Psychiatry编委。


以第一作者/通讯(含共同)在Advanced Sciences、Molecular Psychiatry (3篇), Science Advances等发表18篇SCI论文,被Cell、Nature等他引1000余次,1篇高被引(top 1%),1篇热点论文(top 0.1%)。相关成果获重庆市科技进步一等奖1项(排3)、中华医学科技进步一等奖1项(排11)各1项。获国家重点研发计划1项(课题组长),国家自然科学基金4项,获国家发明专利1项(排2)。


近10 年来以发现的抑郁症伴有显著的微生物源代谢紊乱这一重要临床新线索为起点,锁定肠道微生物组这一内外环境的链接点,拓展出抑郁症的“微生物-肠-脑”轴这一新研究领域,聚焦于抑郁症肠-脑机制及临床转化研究,利用大量临床数据及高通量测序技术,取得了成体系、有特色、具有一定国际影响力的原创成果:1. 率先挖掘出抑郁症伴肠道微生物紊乱的临床证据,阐明了肠道微生物组紊乱是抑郁症发病的潜在原因,并揭示其导致抑郁的 “肠-脑”代谢机制;2. 构建首个抑郁猴及抑郁症患者肠道宏基因数据集,明确拟杆菌科富集是抑郁症的特征性改变;创新开展“三步筛菌法”,鉴定出9种致抑郁拟杆菌菌种。


1. Huang Y, Wu J, Zhang H, Li Y, Wen L, Tan X, Cheng K, Liu Y, Pu J, Liu L, Wang H, Li W, Perry SW, Wong ML, Licinio J, Zheng P*, Xie P*. The gut microbiome modulates the transformation of microglial subtypes. Mol Psychiatry. (2023)

2. Zheng P#., Wu J#., Zhang H., Perry S. W., Yin B., Tan X., Chai T., Liang W., Huang Y., Li Y., Duan J., Wong M. L., Licinio J., Xie P*. The gut microbiome modulates gut-brain axis glycerophospholipid metabolism in a region-specific manner in a nonhuman primate model of depression. Mol Psychiatry (2021) 26(6):2380-2392

3. Yang J#, Zheng P#, Li Y, Wu J, Tan X, Zhou J, Sun Z, Chen X, Zhang G, Zhang H, Huang Y, Chai T, Duan J, Liang W, Yin B, Lai J, Huang T, Du Y, Zhang P, Jiang J, Xi C, Wu L, Lu J, Mou T, Xu Y, Perry SW, Wong ML, Licinio J, Hu S*, Wang G*, Xie P*. Landscapes of bacterial and metabolic signatures and their interaction in major depressive disorders.Science advances(2020) 2;6(49): eaba8555.

4. Zheng P#., Yang J#., Li Y., Wu J., Liang W., Yin B., Tan X., Huang Y., Chai T., Zhang H., Duan J., Zhou J., Sun Z., Chen X., Marwari S., Lai J., Huang T., Du Y., Zhang P., Perry S. W., Wong M. L., Licinio J., Hu S*., Xie P*., Wang G*. Gut Microbial Signatures Can Discriminate Unipolar from Bipolar Depression[J]. Adv Sci (Weinh)(2020) 7(7): 1902862

5. Wang X, Liu H, Li Y, Huang S, Zhang L, Cao C, Baker PN, Tong C, Zheng P*, Qi H*. Altered gut bacterial and metabolic signatures and their interaction in gestational diabetes mellitus. Gut Microbes. (2020) 9;12(1):1-13

6. Zheng P#, Li Y#, Wu J, Zhang H, Huang Y, Tan X, Pan J, Duan J, Liang W, Yin B, Deng F, Perry SW, Wong ML, Licinio J, Wei H*, Yu G*, Xie P*. Perturbed microbial ecology in myasthenia gravis: evidence from the gut microbiome and fecal metabolome. Advanced Science. (2019) 31;6(18):1901441.

7. Zheng P#, Zeng B#, Liu M#, Chen J#, Pan J, Han Y, Liu Y, Cheng K, Zhou C, Wang H, Zhou X, Gui S, Perry SW, Wong ML, Licinio J, Wei H*, Xie P*. The gut microbiome from patients with schizophrenia modulates the glutamate-glutamine-GABA cycle and schizophrenia-relevant behaviors in mice.Sci Adv. (2019) 6;5(2): eaau8317

8. Pan JX#, Xia JJ#, Deng FL, Liang WW, Wu J, Yin BM, Dong MX, Chen JJ, Ye F, Wang HY, Zheng P*, Xie P*. Diagnosis of major depressive disorder based on changes in multiple plasma neurotransmitters: a targeted metabolomics studyTransl Psychiatry. (2018) 10;8(1):130

9. Zheng P#, Cheng K#, Zeng L#, Zhou CJ#, Xie P*. A new pathway for the gut microbiota to modulate the brain: activation of pattern-recognition receptors by microbial products. Molecular Psychiatry(2017) 22(2):162-163

10. Zheng P#, Zeng B#, Zhou C#, Liu M#, Fang Z, Xu X, Zeng L, Chen J, Fan S, Du X, Zhang X, Yang D, Yang Y, Meng H, Li W, Melgiri ND, Licinio J*, Wei H*, Xie P*. Gut microbiome remodeling induces depressive-like behaviors through a pathway mediated by the host’s metabolism. Molecular Psychiatry (2016) 21(6):786-96

11. Zheng P#, Chen JJ#, Zhou CJ, Zeng L, Li KW, Sun L, Liu M-L, Zhu D, Liang ZH, and Xie P*. Identification of sex-specific urinary biomarkers for major depressive disorder by combined application of NMR- and GC–MS-based metabonomics. Transl Psychiatry (2016) 15;6(11):e955

12. Zheng P#,Fang Z#,Xu XJ,Liu ML,Du X,Zhang X,Wang H,Zhou J,Xie P*. Metabolite signature for diagnosing major depressive disorder in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Journal of affective disorders (2016) 195, 75-81

13. Liu X#, Zheng P#, Zhao X, Zhang Y, Hu C, Li J, Zhao J, Zhou J, Xie P*, Xu G*. Discovery and validation of plasma biomarkers for major depressive disorder classification based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.J Proteome Res(2015) 5(1 4):2322-2330

14. Xu XJ#, Zheng P#, Ren GP, Liu ML, Mu J, Guo J, Cao D, Liu Z, Meng HQ*, Xie P*. 2, 4-Dihydroxypyrimidine is a potential urinary metabolite biomarker for diagnosing bipolar disorder. Molecular BioSystems (2014),10:813-819

15. Liu ML#, Zheng P#, Liu Z, Xu Y, Mu J, Guo J, Huang T, Meng HQ*, Xie Peng*. GC-MS based metabolomics identification of possible novel biomarkers for schizophrenia in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Molecular BioSystems (2014) 10(9): 2398-406

16. Zheng P#, Gao HC#, Qi ZG, Jia JM, Li FF, Chen JJ, Wang Y, Guo J, Melgiri ND, Xie P*. Peripheral metabolic abnormalities of lipids and amino acids implicated in increased risk of suicidal behavior in major depressive disorder. Metabolomics. (2013) 9 (3), 688-696

17. Zheng P#, Chen JJ#, Huang T, Wang MJ, Wang Y, Dong MX, Huang YJ, Zhou LK & Xie P*. A Novel Urinary Metabolite Signature for Diagnosing Major Depressive Disorder.J. Proteome Res (2013) 12 (12), 5904–5911

18. Zheng P#, Wei YD#, Yao GE, Ren GP, Guo J, Zhou CJ, Zhong JJ, Cao D, Zhou LK, Xie P*. Novel urinary biomarkers for diagnosing bipolar disorder. Metabolomics (2013) 9 (4), 800-808

19. Zheng P#, Wang Y#, Chen L, Yang D, Meng H, Zhou D, Zhong J, Lei Y, Melgiri ND, Xie P*. Identification and validation of urinary metabolite biomarkers for major depressive disorder.  Molecular & Cellular Proteomics (2013),12(1):207-14

20. Zheng P#, Gao HC#, Li Q, Shao WH, Zhang ML, Cheng K, Yang de Y, Fan SH, Chen L, Fang L, Xie P*. Plasma metabonomics as a novel diagnostic approach for major depressive dorder. J Proteome Res(2012) 11 (3):1741-1748
